2021-11-15 Grades and Due Dates

From MusicTechWiki

As we enter the last weeks of this quarter/semester, many students are asking about late work and extra credit. So I updated the syllabi to help clarify.

Get Help

I think one of the best ways to get help is to show up to our Zoom meetings on Thursdays 7PM-8PM and Fridays 12PM-1PM. Get your questions answered, receive feedback on your work and connect with like minded souls. We always have a good time and learn new things at every meeting. Drop on by!


Assignment Deadlines

Assignments are usually due on Mondays at 11:59PM
2 Week Grace Period
  • We give you a 2 week grace period to submit your assignments past the Due Date
  • No late penalties or score reductions will be applied
After 2 Weeks - Assignment CLOSES
  • It is NOT possible to reopen a Canvas Assignment after it closes
The absolute FINAL DEADLINE to submit ANY late assignments for this class is Sunday morning after Finals Week at 8:00 AM

Global Assignments

Some assignments in this class include universal concepts and skills that we also study in other classes. You might see some assignments that are replicated across all of my classes. For example, DAW editing workflows, critical listening and digital media file management etc. Simply submit your work in each Canvas course to receive full credit.

Extra Credit

There are 2 ways to earn extra credit in this class:

  1. Some of the weekly assignments in Canvas will say "0" Possible Points
    • If you submit these you can earn up to 100 points Extra Credit per assignment
  2. Extra Credit Module
    • This module will have 3 additional Extra Credit Assignments
    • Offering the opportunity to earn 300 additional points