Pronounce Your Name

From MusicTechWiki

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Confirm how to pronounce your name
  3. Tell us where you are
  4. Add any other comments our shout outs
  5. Include a Photo

Record Audio Message - How to Pronounce Your Name

Hi my name is Bruce Tambling. (then say again really slow) BRUUUCE TAAAMMMBLIIIING. You Can call me Bruce. Im in San Jose Calif and I _______ (yada yada" look forward to meeting all of you in this class and amazing music together.)

To Deliver

  1. Create WAV or MP3
  2. Name the file:
    • YourFoothillStudentName-ClassNumber-Pronounce-Name.wav
    • Example:BruceTambling-52A-Pronounce-Name.wav
  3. Name your photo
    • Example:BruceTambling-52A-Pronounce-Name.jpg
  4. Upload your file here:
  5. You can check your uploads here