

From MusicTechWiki

< User:TomHutchison
Tom HutchisonSemiColon

Semi Colon Linebreaks

This is a line.

This is SemiColon.
This is Colon

This is nothing.


This is a line which starts a new <p> paragraph tag. This is a line without a leading semicolon or colon which will show up on "This is a line..." even though it is on the next line as everything is run together because you need a full line to break the paragraph tag.

This is a line with a semicolon which is a definition list, a <dl><dt> tagged list.
This is a colon first which indents but it is still a definition list item, technically.

This is a line again, but will start a new <p> paragraph tag.

A Real Definition list

This is a real definition list with the actual tags.

An XML format for aggregating information from websites whose content is frequently updated.
Contraction of the term "web log", a weblog is a website that is periodically updated, like a journal

Definition list by Mediawiki

This a MediaWiki created one. Only thing lacking is italics, but you can use ;''RSS'' which will make the titles bold and in italics format.

An XML format for aggregating information from websites whose content is frequently updated.
Contraction of the term "web log", a weblog is a website that is periodically updated, like a journal