2021-01-05 Zoom Meetings and Webinars - Winter 2021

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Revision as of 02:47, 13 December 2021 by BruceTambling (talk | contribs)
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Backup Your Data!

Today we had a major data meltdown with Google Drive deleting ALL of our files! (YEARS worth of work!) A harsh reminder that this can happen to anyone. Thankfully, ALL data was recovered. We lost a few hours of time, and were reminded of the importance of backing up our data. As the saying goes, "If your data is not in THREE separate places, it does NOT exist!" What is YOUR Backup Strategy?

Music Tech Event Calendar

  1. We created a Google Calendar for Music Tech Related Events
  2. This will include Webinars, Zoom Meetings and Virtual Office Hours
  3. Please ADD this calendar to your personal Google Calendar App
  4. Click the "+" sign (in the lower right corner) to ADD to your personal Google Calendar

General Schedule

All meetings and events are OPEN to ALL students! These meetings are NOT "required" to attend.

Here is what we have planned for the Winter 2021 term:

  1. Mondays 7PM-8PM - Office Hours
    • Drop by, ask questions
  2. Tuesdays 1PM-2PM - Office Hours
  3. Wednesdays 1PM-3PM - Music Tech Webinar
    • Featuring special guests
  4. Fridays 12PM - 1:30PM Music Tech Study Group and Task Force
    • Learn stuff and get things done
  5. Sundays 7PM-8PM - Office Hours

Zoom Meeting URL

We will use the same Zoom Meeting URL for all meetings:

  1. https://fhda-edu.zoom.us/j/98820990562
    • Meeting ID: 988 2099 0562
  2. Special webinar URLs will be announced as needed

Audio Movers Listento

  1. For some meetings we will ALSO use Audio Movers Listento app for critical listening
  2. https://audiomovers.com/wp
  3. This will be FREE for you to use
    • URLs will be provided