60A Podcast Assignment Pt 3

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There is a vast variety of ways to approach post-production workflows in podcasting. Every production company has their own way of working depending on the podcast's and team's needs. Some might have multiple rounds of revising the recording's transcript before DAW editing even begins. Others may do light processing to the audio from a template signal chain, quickly input the intro/outro music, to turnaround and upload to a distribution platform within a short time-frame.

For this final podcasting assignment, we will follow a simple workflow, but feel free to take extra steps in order to polish if you so please. We are setting the goal of our final podcast products to be within 1.5 - 2.5 minutes.

In editing, remember a staple Bruce Tambling mantra: "above all, do no harm!"


Edit Your Podcast

  1. Aim to have your podcast be above 1.5 minutes, but under 2.5 minutes
    • Including music, so edit accordingly
  2. Take a first pass to remove:
    1. Long pauses
    2. Speaking errors, mistakes
  3. Make sure you apply fades in between your audio clips so there are no clicks or pops
  4. Take a second pass to:
    1. Listen broadly to possibly remove smaller to larger sections of content subjectively
    2. Check your fades!

Mix Your Podcast

  1. Process your dialog audio
    1. Noise reduction, De-essing, compression, EQ, etc.
    2. It's OK to be careful and light-handed
  2. Add your intro and outro music
    • And any segment or transition music you'd like!
    • Experiment with slowly fading the music under the intro/outro dialog
  3. Use a limiter to get a standard volume for your audio
    1. Don't forget to monitor your loudness with Loudness Meter Plugins
    2. Read about different streaming platform standards here!
    3. Be mindful of the music versus dialog level
  4. Bounce/export your audio file
  5. Upload the audio file to Mixup your previous track using Versions
    1. Version 1 is your raw, unedited audio recording
    2. Version 2 is your completed, mixed podcast
    3. Set Version 2 as the default, so it plays first

Submit in Canvas

  1. Post your Mixup URL
    • Make sure it's a functional hyperlink in Canvas, not just plain text
  2. Tell us your thoughts about the full production of your podcast
    1. How did it go?
    2. Would this be a kind of production you want to pursue?
    3. Was there any difficulties you faced in the process?