Extra Credit Assignments

From MusicTechWiki

Extra Credit AssignmentsEverything is Sound - Collaboration

This is a growing database of Extra Credit Assignments to choose from. You can do as many as you want in addition to or instead of the required assignments in this course.

Students are encouraged and supported to do ANYTHING they want.

Extra Credit Solo Projects

Show us ANY of your work or experiments. Stuff you have CREATED or messed around with.

  1. Assignment Ideas
  2. Extra Credit - Airtable (100 Points)
  3. Extra Credit - Join Circle (100 Points)
  4. Extra Credit - Join Circle (200 Points)
  5. Jesse Dienner - Acoustic Guitar Project
  6. Podcast Production - Extra Credit
    • Create a short podcast

Extra Credit Group Collaborations

To Deliver

  1. Organize all your Files in a Folder
  2. Name your Folders and Files Properly
    • YourFullName-CourseNumber-AssignmentName
    • Ex: DebbieSmith-54A-MidTerm-Project
  3. Include a text note in the Canvas Assignment briefly telling us what you did
    • So we can give you points in Canvas
  4. Upload your Folder to this DropBox location: